“Embarking on the journey of mental health can lead to profound personal growth and healing.”

My name is Heather Thompson and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker working with clients in New York State.

I came into this field because I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live their best life, and can achieve this by doing work in therapy. Success can occur regardless of what has happened leading up to this point in your life!

I am looking forward to meeting you, working together to achieve your goals and getting you to a point where you are living your best life!

What to Expect

When we start meeting we will work to develop rapport, getting to know one another. We will begin to discuss the things that you want to work on in treatment and you will get to know my style for sessions. We will meet for individual sessions on a weekly basis. We will create a written plan for treatment, clearly identifying what your goal for therapy is.

In my practice I have found that having a very open and easy flowing back and forth is best. Of course, I will bring recommendations of things to work on, like skills to practice and such. This will be based on what your goals are, but if you share with me that you don't feel comfortable with a skill or it isn't working we can process that some, try to use the skill differently or move on from it .

Ultimately, I will not push my agenda on you. That wouldn't be helpful to you or our therapeutic relationship. I will join our sessions with therapeutic items we can work on if you don't have anything to discuss that day. However, these are your sessions, so I encourage you to come prepared with what you want to discuss.

I encourage an open dialogue, no need to hold back. If you need to cry- do it, if you need to use “creative language”- do it, if something is funny- we'll laugh together. This historically has worked best for my clients. The vast majority have been able to “lay it all out there”, work on things and achieve goals. Many have then said that they wanted move on to other areas that they realized needed to be worked on also, so we continued our work together.

And honestly this open approach works best for me as well. I am not a stuffy, bullet point kind of person. I am all for meeting someone "where they're at" and then we can go from there.